How to Create an Author Website Boost Your Online Presence and Reach More Readers

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Many authors looking to start their own website have to navigate the potentially daunting obstacle course of tasks to build a successful author platform. These tasks are not impossible but require research, planning, and know-how. Whether designed to promote works with author branding or just to satisfy a creative outlet, here is a guide for stepping through the process and setting up a website for a budding author.

Choosing a Niche or Topic

The first step when creating an author website is to select the niche or topic. An author website can focus on a single book, character, thematic concept, writing style, author's journey, or anything related to the author's career. This is an important step to ensure the website is relevant and to avoid a disjointed look and feel. For example, if an author writes fantasy adventure, it may not make sense for the website design to include a beat-nik theme.

Domain Name Selection

The domain name selection specifically for the website should match the topic of the website as closely as possible. The naming system generally follows the same pattern that brands use, which is to create a name that is catchy, memorable, and distinct. It is also a great idea to use the author's name or book title if possible to make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.

Web Hosting Options

Web hosting involves the selection of a hosting platform that best fits the author's website. A hosting platform is the online service provider that manages the author's hosting account to offer website file storage, bandwidth, and other features. Depending on the type of website the author is building and the amount of content planned, there are many web hosting services available that range from free to premium.

Website Building Platforms

Choosing a website building platform requires some research into the available website building tools. Content management systems are the most popular platforms, and WordPress is by far the most popular and widely used. Many metrics ranging from functionality, accessibility, security, ratings, and costs should be considered to decide which option is best for the author website.

Website Design and Layout

The aesthetic design and layout of the website should match the intended audience and should cater to several types of readers. Simple layouts and designs are best since they will generally be viewed in all types of browsers, mobile devices, and resolutions. It should also include essential website pieces such as a homepage, about page, social media accounts, and other pages that are important to the website's mission or goal.

Content Creation and Writing

Content creation is the most important and time-consuming part of the author website process. The content should be engaging and compelling for the readers and should have a consistent voice, point of view, and format unique to the author's style. Content should also be easy to read, provide value, and be interesting to keep visitors from bouncing off the page.

Basic HTML and CSS

Having a basic understanding of HTML and CSS is essential for creating an author website. The author should have a basic understanding of HTML tags, HTML elements, HTML attributes, and CSS selectors and styles. This will enable them to create unique designs, apply custom settings, and manage content from page to page.

Image and Multimedia Integration

Images and multimedia are important elements that add value to an author website. This includes topics such as vector images, animated graphics, audio files, video playback, etc. All of these types of media should be optimized to ensure compatibility with mobile devices and also to ensure that the images and media do not slow down page loading times.

User Experience (UX) and Navigation

Usability and navigation should be considered when creating an author website. Elements such as menus, fonts, headings, and section sizes should all be handled for maximum usability on a website. User segmentation should also be used to design content that is tailored to specific user types.

SEO Fundamentals

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical task that should be considered when creating an author website. SEO includes many techniques such as website architecture, content optimization, keyword research, link building, website loading time, and other factors. SEO is important to ensure that the website ranks well in organic search results and increases website traffic.

Mobile Responsiveness

A website should be mobile-friendly and optimized for viewing on mobile devices. With more people viewing websites on mobile devices, an author website should have a design built around mobile viewing to ensure the best user experience possible. This includes simplified navigation, mobile-friendly images, and proper design implementation to accommodate different mobile device types and resolutions.

Social Media Integration

Social media integration is a critical element of an author website due to its ability to drive website traffic and engagement. Content can be shared on social media, and social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn can also be linked to the website.

Website Security

Website security is an essential consideration that should not be overlooked when creating an author website. Security measures such as hardening WordPress, using a secure web hosting service, using secure FTP for uploading files, and using an SSL certificate to secure website traffic are important tasks that should be handled in the author website creation process.

Analytics and Tracking Tools

Analytics and tracking tools such as Google Analytics and Hotjar can be used to track website behavior and performance. These tools will give an author the insights necessary to tweak their author website for maximum success and monitor website performance on different devices, browser types, and countries.


Creating an author website requires balancing several tasks from selecting the topic, to building the website, to tracking the success of the website. It can be a daunting task but if the author follows the guidance outlined here then they should end up with a great looking, well-optimized author website.